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Monday, March 30, 2009


I never have enough time for myself to work on my novel, I wish I had four uninterupted hours a day...wishful thinking...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cleaning Day

It is cleaning day, I do not have time to work on my novel, however it is coming along well. Here are some new pic's of the doggies, The dad is the big one, Jimmy Two Shoes is on the bottom, Chopper is playing with his dad Banditt, in the center, The first picture is Ralfie, he has a bit of a mean streak...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Work in slow progress

I am working as hard as I can to finish my first Novel. This is hard to do with 11 dogs I need to get rid of three of them. I mean find really good homes. I know they say you cannot not sit down at your word processor and the book will magically unfold on the page; however this is how my book is being written. I do not know what is going to happen next and it is fun to see what my character Larry is going to get into each day. I am at 50,ooo words and I have found my plot at last... I will keep writing as often as time

Friday, March 13, 2009


I am so frazzelld, I have been truing to call my sister, all i get is the machine. These puppies have worn me out along with the 6 I already had. I have made a little progress on my novel. I am frustrated today cause I have so much to add and I am distracted beyond reason. I will hope this issue resolves its-self.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Damn errors

I am not typing all that again, I do not have the time...

I'm still kicking...

i am trying to post...I lost my text...

About Me

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Jackson, Ms, United States
I stay at home and try to write every day, and I take care of my animals and cook...