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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Broken toe

I was sweeping the floor and triped over one of the doggies and broke me toe. I am still riting everyday, however today I am taking a break. Here is a new pic of my Doggies., well a couple of them.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Still at it...

Working hard to finish my first draft...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Still kickin

I know I haven't been here in a while, I am still raising the new dogs and trying to get my book written, which by the way is going great....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


One of the puppies left today to go to his new home, I am going to miss him terribly, however he is not far away I can visit.

This is me, chopper...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Never enough Time

There is never enought time yo write, however I manage to get no less than 500 words a day, I know that is wimpy. I just do not have the time anymore. I found a new home for two more of the puppies. I think one will leave today and one next week. Back to the writing, I do sometimes get to write the 2500 words I wish to write each day, just not often, but that is my goal.
A writing Treat
Is the day not so long, as I have no time to sit and pray
I wonder if time will steal my life away
and will it be on the day I forgot to say..
Thank you Lord, come what may...

About Me

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Jackson, Ms, United States
I stay at home and try to write every day, and I take care of my animals and cook...