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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Long Time

Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since I blogged, Well I have been moving to a great new place. I love it and we are so much happier. I can't bellieve Daddy has been gone five years today, It does not seem like it has been that long, yet then again i suppose it does. I just turned 44 on the fourth of Nov. .Well I will be back again, sooner this time I hope. If I don't I will never fill in all the gaps. I am back to work on my novel.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Mrs. Bonnie's sister Nell Died yesterday. I start back at my old job today and cannot go be with her. I am still a bit sick, Ths last round of flu nearly took me out.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Feeling Bad

I feel really bad today. Not geting and work done on novel, what can IZ say I just plain ole do not feel well...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hanging in there....

By the skin of my teeth, I have so much on my mind I can not connect with my leading character in my novel...

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Lost in time

I have no Idea how to slow down the days to give myself time o keep up with my blog... I have been at a standstill on my book since the 7th of july... omggtg....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Moma's dog, Chopper

I found out a so called friend, had my mothers dog put to sleep when she was going to take him in for a haircut for my brother. She told the vet he was her dog and to put him to sleep, then did not tell us, I found out when the vet called wanting me to pay the bill.....mad as hell.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hard Times

If it get's any worse, I fear my nerves are gonna cause me some major problems. All I want is peace of mind to do my writing; however that seems too much to ask...
1. Looking for a place to live
2. Wondering if my Brother is going to loose his.
3. City on my ass about my dogs.
4. No running water.
5. No hot water, see # 4
6. Money to move on.
7. I have become white trash, Took out fighting and screaming........................................................................
8. Is there any one that wants to read my manuscript and buy it for 4 thousand. That would fix a lot of my problems, however I know this s a best seller given a chance, I don't want to look back and kick myself in the ASS... I am getting to the point of selling out....

Monday, June 8, 2009

I have not posted...

I have since let my Shepard Piper and Jimmy Two Shoes, and Ralphie, and Chopper go to new homes. They found great ones. I now have only seven dogs. I have not gotten much written lately. I have been trying to find a place in the country to live. No luck as of yet. These pics are of Ms. Bonnie and Ms. Kitty...R.I.P. Ms. Kitty...God rest you soul, little one...

Ms. Kitty... R.I.P.

Danny's mothers kitty died at 1:30 last night.
She is going to be missed very much.
Bless her heart she would never let another soul touch her except for Ms. Bonnie...R.I.P.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am worried about my brother and this has blocked my ability to write, I hope he gets his problems workied out soon. I am astonished at how upset I am. Note: The two puppies that went to Bens died. Now I am scared to let anyone else have one. not that it was his fault, but the same thing happened to another dog I gave away a couple of years ago...I'll go for now, I hope to be back soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Day

Not much but more of the same going on around here. I write each day, and take care of the animals, I can only pray my book will enable me to get out of the financial rut I am in...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Working on it...

I am really enjoing my writing at this point, I can only wish for more time to do it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Broken toe

I was sweeping the floor and triped over one of the doggies and broke me toe. I am still riting everyday, however today I am taking a break. Here is a new pic of my Doggies., well a couple of them.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Still at it...

Working hard to finish my first draft...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Still kickin

I know I haven't been here in a while, I am still raising the new dogs and trying to get my book written, which by the way is going great....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


One of the puppies left today to go to his new home, I am going to miss him terribly, however he is not far away I can visit.

This is me, chopper...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Never enough Time

There is never enought time yo write, however I manage to get no less than 500 words a day, I know that is wimpy. I just do not have the time anymore. I found a new home for two more of the puppies. I think one will leave today and one next week. Back to the writing, I do sometimes get to write the 2500 words I wish to write each day, just not often, but that is my goal.
A writing Treat
Is the day not so long, as I have no time to sit and pray
I wonder if time will steal my life away
and will it be on the day I forgot to say..
Thank you Lord, come what may...

Monday, March 30, 2009


I never have enough time for myself to work on my novel, I wish I had four uninterupted hours a day...wishful thinking...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cleaning Day

It is cleaning day, I do not have time to work on my novel, however it is coming along well. Here are some new pic's of the doggies, The dad is the big one, Jimmy Two Shoes is on the bottom, Chopper is playing with his dad Banditt, in the center, The first picture is Ralfie, he has a bit of a mean streak...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Work in slow progress

I am working as hard as I can to finish my first Novel. This is hard to do with 11 dogs I need to get rid of three of them. I mean find really good homes. I know they say you cannot not sit down at your word processor and the book will magically unfold on the page; however this is how my book is being written. I do not know what is going to happen next and it is fun to see what my character Larry is going to get into each day. I am at 50,ooo words and I have found my plot at last... I will keep writing as often as time

Friday, March 13, 2009


I am so frazzelld, I have been truing to call my sister, all i get is the machine. These puppies have worn me out along with the 6 I already had. I have made a little progress on my novel. I am frustrated today cause I have so much to add and I am distracted beyond reason. I will hope this issue resolves its-self.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Damn errors

I am not typing all that again, I do not have the time...

I'm still kicking...

i am trying to post...I lost my text...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting Tired

I have been rasing all these doggies and I do not have very much time for myself or my writing, although yesterday I made a little progress in my novel. I have already found a home for two of the puppies and need to find a home for three more, I guess I wll be keeping two of the puppies. That will put me at eight dogs. Four large and four small, oh yeah the bird, Fancy pants. I'll add her pic in ma min. But for now I do not have much time and I am going to have to go...ttl...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Busy Girl....

I have been a very busy person with all my dogs,
I am going to have to find a way to do more writing...

Are we cute or what?...

Monday, February 9, 2009


I never seem to have enough time to do anything.
Ill try to be back tommorow...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Puppies

Aren't we so cute. We were born the first tuesday of January.
I am gonna get you...

Sweet Babies...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hi, I could not get back in...

I finally got bak in now I can post everyday, I got all my accounts messed up and now I am here to stay, hopefully everyday.
I have been busy with this little guy and his five brothers and one sister...
Not to mention the 5 I already had...

About Me

My photo
Jackson, Ms, United States
I stay at home and try to write every day, and I take care of my animals and cook...